1. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    Somethings to consider when thinking about the upcoming season... 1. Every team is going to take probably 3-4 games to get settled into what has transpired in the CFB world over this past year, transfers, coaching changes and all....it's like shaking up a snow globe. The best coach's will have...
  2. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    Can't argue that and it doesn't help the fact that he keeps 2 Offensive line coaches who seem to be as useless as tits on a bull....but in the end it will be his demise.
  3. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    It's also cheaper than giving him another $100 to keep my ass from getting banned...
  4. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    It isn't anywhere near where it should be and some of the best players will never come here for a guy like Karl BUT I do think we are in better shape talentwise than anytime in the last 3 years.... The problem is giving Karl talent is like watching a chimp try to fit a square peg into a round hole.
  5. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    This food guy isn't totally wrong....... I tried telling EVERYONE on here after the UCF bowl loss that we had slipped below their talent level and I was 100% right...I actually watch what is happening on the field not just the ball crossing the end zone....so don't give me the excuses like...
  6. Concrete Helmet

    Fitness advice/suggestions

    Great post. In my current state I have no set goals for right now and I'm aware it's allowing a few of my bad habits to creep back in(snacking after dinner and a few more icy cold ones than I probably should)......Is it killing me? No...however I'm also aware that that there are "seasons" in...
  7. Concrete Helmet

    Gatorchatter SOLD: Under new management

    F vck mergers and acquisitions ....
  8. Concrete Helmet

    Gatorchatter SOLD: Under new management

    I smell a merger....
  9. Concrete Helmet

    Fitness advice/suggestions

    You should hear the way I motivate myself....I probably wouldn't retain many clients if I ever decided to be a personal trainer...
  10. Concrete Helmet

    Fitness advice/suggestions

    Stop being a p vssy.... I did 250 full squats with a weighted vest, 6 sets of Romanian deadlifts, 6 sets of Bulgarian squats(one legged squats) 6 sets of glute raises this morning before 6AM in 40 minutes and 30 minutes on an assault bike this afternoon.....I have a knee that is bone on bone and...
  11. Concrete Helmet

    Fitness advice/suggestions

    :exactly: The "carnivore diet is basically the Adkins diet....you will lose weight which more than half of it will be....you guessed it....WATER.....You are essentially dehydrating yourself....very hard on your kidneys, liver and heart. For a short term "hack" it's probably not that bad....If I...
  12. Concrete Helmet

    Fitness advice/suggestions

    Good to hear, Coach just don't push too hard after the surgery. So much truth about when you said working out ASAP will benefit them down the road. Closing in on 60 I try and reflect on that when I get a little discouraged looking at my body and not seeing the exact results I want in the mirror...
  13. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    Something else that should be pointed out is that 3/4 of the members here are so old they meet new people everyday.....in their own house. Oh and I know 3 weeks isn't a long time to rub people the wrong way but try not to piss off the Angry Elf, a/k/a @URGatorBait, he's suspected of foul play...
  14. Concrete Helmet

    Gators Caravan

    What I find ironic is that someone bothered to make a 1st post knowing that this place is only 3 weeks from being shutdown.....That's like waiting to eat at a restaurant for the first time after the Health Dept. has posted a notice to close the place down....
  15. Concrete Helmet

    Slick Ric Flair In Gainesville Pizza Joint....hammered

    Don't blow smoke up my ass....I'm not buying this place just in case Ox is serious....
  16. Concrete Helmet

    Slick Ric Flair In Gainesville Pizza Joint....hammered

    How do you expect someone to snort coke while using a urinal? C'mon man...
  17. Concrete Helmet

    Slick Ric Flair In Gainesville Pizza Joint....hammered

    Sound like cheapskates to me....what kind of operation doesn't have separate bathrooms for customers and staff....No paying customer let alone Ric Flair should have to hold their piss for 15 minutes while a cook is hunkered over the bowl in the only stall in the joint grinding out a smelly...
  18. Concrete Helmet

    Slick Ric Flair In Gainesville Pizza Joint....hammered

    Yes, the coming of June 6, 2024 will assure us all of that...:lol:
  19. Concrete Helmet

    Fitness advice/suggestions

    Glad this is working for you and I'm no expert so take it for what it's worth but if you're eating 100% protein/fat you need to need to be doubling the amount of water you drink on a daily basis.....your kidneys, liver and digestive tract will thank you for it down the road if you continue...
  20. Concrete Helmet

    Slick Ric Flair In Gainesville Pizza Joint....hammered

    See Old Timer....if you had taken the path of pro wraslin' instead of being a cage fighter well before it's time you might be living the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, wheelin'& dealin', jet flyin, son of a gun life.
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